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自我覺察:瞭解自己的内心世界,做好情緒管理 5 步驟!

Empowering Personal Transformation Through Innovation

At Beyond Mind, we merge cutting-edge technology with intuitive design to help individuals explore and enhance their emotional resilience and mental well-being. Discover our journey, our people, and the values that guide us.

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Our Mission

To empower individuals to achieve greater emotional resilience and self-awareness through innovative, non-invasive technology. Beyond Mind is committed to enhancing mental well-being by providing tools and resources that help people navigate their inner world more effectively, making happiness and peace more accessible to everyone.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be at the forefront of mental well-being by continuously advancing our technology and expanding our reach. We aim to transform the way people connect with their inner selves, fostering a global community where personal growth and emotional health are prioritized. By setting new standards in the industry, we envision a future where every individual can harness the power of their mind to lead a fulfilled and balanced life.

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Emotional Intelligence (EI): The Key to Enhancing Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Relationships



在現代社會中,情緒智力(Emotional Intelligence, EI)越來越受到重視。情緒智力指的是個人識別、理解、管理自己和他人情緒的能力。高情緒智力的人能夠更好地處理壓力、與他人建立良好的關係,並在職場和生活中取得成功。這與Beyond Mind的理念完美契合,即通過自我覺察和療癒提升個人幸福感,鼓勵反思和包容,並提倡分享與開放的態度。

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"Smiling Depression": What Is It? How to Assess Your Mental Health? What Are People With Depression Thinking?




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What is Emotional Resilience and Why is it Important?




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Meet Our Innovators

Core Values