Our Story | Beyond Mind - Pioneering Wellness and Self-Awareness

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Our Story

Discover the unique journey of Beyond Mind—our quest to redefine wellness through technology. Dive into the compelling story of our founder's battle against chronic illness and the birth of a visionary company dedicated to promoting self-awareness and emotional resilience. Learn how our innovative solutions are crafted to transform personal health and elevate well-being.

Exploring Beyond Mind: A Journey of Innovation and Wellness

Join us on the inspiring journey of Beyond Mind, where we redefine wellness through pioneering non-invasive technologies for enhanced well-being.

Unraveling the Beyond Mind Journey: A Path to Self-Awareness and Healing

由 Beyond Mind Official · 2024年4月17日

從困惑到超越:Beyond Mind(覺之)的療癒之旅

在與纖維肌痛症的鬥爭中,我依賴藥物,這已經成為一種必需品而非渴望。疫情期間,我有機會停下腳步重新發現自己,這促使我創立了Beyond Mind(覺之),一個提升自我覺察和情緒韌性的平臺。在這段旅程中,我學會了寬恕的力量以及個人健康和幸福的重要性。


Strengthening Emotional Resilience: Techniques for a Stronger Self

Master the art of emotional resilience and self-awareness with our comprehensive guide. Learn strategies to fortify your emotional health and navigate life's challenges with confidence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI): The Key to Enhancing Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Relationships

由 Beyond Mind Official


情商(EI)在現代社會中越來越受到重視,因為它能夠幫助我們識別、理解和管理自己的情感以及他人的情感。情商高的人更能應對壓力,建立強大的人際關係,並在個人和職業生活中取得成功。情商包含五個關鍵組成部分:自我覺察、自我調節、動力、同理心和社交技巧。提高情商的方法包括情感日記、正念冥想、深呼吸練習、設定目標、積極傾聽等。通過不斷提高情商,我們可以在生活中獲得更大的幸福和成就,這與 Beyond Mind 提倡的提升個人幸福感的理念完美契合。

Self-Awareness: Understanding Your Inner World and Managing Emotions in 5 Steps!

由 Beyond Mind Official



"Smiling Depression": What Is It? How to Assess Your Mental Health? What Are People With Depression Thinking?

由 Beyond Mind Official


